Regarding purity of silver in coins, I couldn't resist sharing one of my
dad's favorite lines-- my father is a preacher in what's left of his "free

"Rat poison is 98% pure food.  It's the 2% you have to watch out for!"  He
uses this line in reference to warning of false teachings, which is the most
emphasized theme of the New Testament, and regarding fanciful promises
politicians and salespeople make, etc.

I'm also thinking of the funny, old Ritz cracker commercial-- "Looks the
same.  Got the same # of holes!"

(Another voice...) "Just don't taste the same."

Michael is right.  Why mess around with unknowns?  Let "silver" coins be
"silver" coins.  Silver wire is not expensive and easy to get.  That's the
way to go, unless you have your own chem lab to test everything.

Nancy B.

-----Original Message-----
From: It's not me <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998 3:03 AM
Subject: Re: re-garding collodial silver, copper,?

>I sure would not try this unless I was in a pinch.  ".9999" is a measure of
>silvers purity, but  90 percent silver coinage tells you little about the
>10% that isn't silver.  Remember, things that might be acceptable in a
>may not be healthy in your body.  Coins are cast with no particular
>attention given to the fact that someone may ingest them.  :-)  Think along
>the lines of surgical or food grade quality when putting things in your
>body.  If someone gave you a pill that they said was 90% vitamin C,
>you want to know what the other 10% was before you took the pill.  I think
>natural and folk medicine is great, but be wary, there is a line that is
>crossed that just doesn't make good sense (at least to me).  Be careful of
>the "more is better" thinking.  Colloidal silver is fine and appears to
>at least some antidotal and research evidence to support it's use.  All
>these other colloids, I am just not sure about.  Somebody, somewhere will
>start selling colloidal uranium, and the bad thing is that people will beat
>a path to his/her door to buy it.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Michael C Slivinski <>
>To: <>
>Date: Wednesday, April 29, 1998 8:16 PM
>Subject: re-garding collodial silver, copper,?
>>Just for some stimulation of thoughts here,
>>in perception magazine they had 2 articles on making your own cs,
>>the author did mention using pure 999 silver, but also mentioned one
>>could try using silver coins which are 90 % pure silver and copper and
>>one other metal (not nickle) and said copper is a benifit also.
>>So wondering if using silver coins might not be good to have with
>>these other items being made. they also made mention that some
>>collodial mineral water had in it's list of minerals arsenic, and
>>it interesting to have a poison mineral there and mentioned one other
>>type of mineral that is known as a poison but in collodial form might
>>not be harmful in small ppm. maybe it might be positive.
>>Just thoughts
>>mike slivinski
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