At 10:24 AM 5/4/98 -5, you wrote:
>Here's the other post in which I question the accuracy of one of the 
>most visible "argyria" related sites. This site showed up *first* 
>when I did an infoseek search on the single word "argyria."

>Please send me your comments? I would like to know how you react to
>this article and/or to the above site. 

Hi List,

        I use critical thinking. I read the literature. I take into account the
source, the possible biases. The more facts, the higher credibility. The
more unsupported generalizations, the lower credibility. I tend to discount
the majority of testimonials included to support a certain bias, especially
financially motivated. I tend to credit the majority of testimonials,
offered freely in goodwill, such as on the net, taking into account
individual situations.

        Finally, I try it myself. I have difficulty crediting any information 
I know comes from a biased source, that has no logical support, no
supporting data, & which directly contradicts my own experiences.

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