Funny post Mike.

My CS always comes out clear and then darkens to the golden color over the
next several days.  The only way that I can tell that the process has
occurred is that I can see the "cloud" coming off of one electrode and then
of course the "black fuzzy" deposit that appears on both electrodes.  One
thing that I seem to remember from chemistry is that heat speeds up chemical
reaction, so it would stand to reason that by heating the CS, the golden
color would be seen quicker.  What remains to be seen is if the gold color
is a sign of degradation or if the product is more available to the body or
less so because of this.  Hopefully, it will turn out to be useful in both
the clear and golden form, similar to the way that Vitamin C is available in
many useful forms.

  One thing I have noticed is that most of you run your CS much longer than
I do.  I have seen some who run for an hour or more and one fellow who runs
his until he has what he calls a white paste.  I don't know if what he
describes is possible, but the thought that "more is not always better" does
occur to me.  I understand that when a solution becomes oversaturated, the
absorbed particles have a tendency to come out of solution as a deposit.  I
don't know if a colloid is technically a solution, however I would be
inclined to think that eventually the water carries as much silver as it
can, and you begin wasting your silver and defeating the whole purpose of
making a solution of CS with a small particle size.

For the record, I use 36 V. DC into two silver strips approx. 4"X1/4"X1/16"
for approx.. 20-25 minutes in room temperature distilled water.  The
reaction is not visible for several minutes, but an led indicates that the
circuit is working.  I have not used the resulting CS for Lymes, but have
used on burns, an infection that was causing blood poisoning, viral warts,
sore throats, stomach flu, ear infections, nasal infections, fungus, and so
on.  It has been highly effective at this concentration, which I would think
is well below the concentrations that most of you are producing.
Anyhow, I just thought that I would share my experience.

-----Original Message-----
From: M. G. Devour <>
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, January 28, 1998 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: Boiling CS Solution

I would not be surprised to find out that the yellow color was either
or both an electro-optical effect or a chemical one...

In the beginning the great one said "Thou shalt use salt. Behold the
clarity of the precious fluid!"

Then another rose up and spake thusly, "Salt is evil. Thou shall not
use salt." He held up a glowing vessel and said, "Looketh upon the
golden color and know that it is good."

Yet others held forth their laden jars and proclaimed, "We useth
high voltage and LO! It is without color." They looked down upon the
golden elixir and accused, "Thine elixir is an abomination, impure
and tarnished!"

And about this time the whole picture became rather obscure to
mortals, as the titans became indiscernible in clouds of swirling
dust, the fog of battle, and blinding lightning and flames.