Hello All,

I also heat my distilled water while making my colloidal silver. 

 I am using a CS generator designed by Weeks Parker that can be put
together for about $ 20 U.S. using Radio Shack parts.  It works very well
with an output of  40 volts.  I use .999 silver wire and or silver rounds,
both seem to be effective.  I heat my water by using an automatic coffee
maker and leaving the pot on the heating element while I'm brewing the CS. 
I can see silver being released in 15 to 30 seconds with a gold to amber
solution in 10 to 15 minutes.  I am of course using distilled water. 

My    dilemma    is that if I leave it on for more than that time (say 20
to 30 minutes) it turns a cloudy gray color.  If I bottle this gray liquid
it will turn a golden or amber color in 1 to 2 days. 

However, the last time I made CS I left it brewing for an hour or longer
(OOPS).  That solution turned a very turbid gray and never became the
lovely golden\amber color I so enjoyed seeing (even after a week to 10

These are just some observations I have made.  
Any thoughts\comments?  

Yours in health,
