> Date:          Wed, 28 Jan 1998 13:57:50 -0800
> To:            silver-list@eskimo.com
> From:          "Susan M. Yensen" <syen...@clearwater.net>
> Subject:       RE: Boiling CS Solution
> Reply-to:      silver-list@eskimo.com

> Hi everyone,
> I don't know what the burgundy solution is in the post here but how can one
> increase ppm by boiling without the electodes to form the colloid?  Boiling
> the solution would in cooking increase the thickness like in soup making by
> removing the water, however if you start with X amount of silver in a
> solution then that amount is going to stay X amount unless you introduce
> more silver.
> Like the same amount of meat is in the pot no matter how long I cook it
> unless I put more meat in. The meat mmay become dry or thick from loss of
> water but still the same amount.
> So I just can't say that boiling after the fact is going to increase ppm
> because you do not put more silver in.
> e
> Apparently something changes because the color does this is a problem for
> professional analysis.  How do they make "Black Hills gold" a different
> color?  Perhaps what is happening in this process is that you are oxidizing
> the silver thus making it become darker,
> If you look at silver tarnish is sometimes does have a purplish red color
> in it--I know about this as I have been a silver cleaner in the
> past(another lifetime).
> So, the only thing in your pot that you are boiling is the amount of silver
> you originally electrolyzed and water which is H2O.  Boil off the H and you
> have O2.  O2 would then combine with something because it must do that
> insolution.  Distilled water, nothing else but the silver .
> So you have silver tarnish!!!!!!!  This is just the most common sense
> analysis with a little, very little chemistry, but I'll bet that this is
> the fact of the matter.  WHat do you think????????
> Bless us all!
> Susan
        You may be right, but if you take CS and boil it down, you will 
increase the ppm. You won't be adding silver, but you will be taking 
away water thus increasing the ppm of silver to water.
        God Bless!
        Jim Einert, ND