At 04:01 PM 5/28/99 -0400, Marshall wrote:
>Colloidal Silver, being positively charged will precipitate when exposed to
>anything acid.  Aloe Vera tend to be quite acidic.  The simple solution is to
>add some baking soda to the solution to lower the ph to 7 or below.  Use a
>water testing kit for aquariums or swimming pools to check the ph.  The
>soda has no harmful effects on the silver.
>I would say the other company did not know.  We ran tests on this combination
>for several months before determining exactly what the problem was when mixed
>with Silver Lightning HVAC colloidal silver.  We expect to be selling this
>combination shortly, and stabilizing it was the major hurdle to overcome.
Hi Marshall,

   Thanks for replying. Does "precipitate" mean come out of solution? Is it
then no longer a useful thing? (i.e. Is it just ugly or is it either
useless or possibly not good for one...)If it hits the stomach it would be
in contact with acid, as would any cs. Do they all precipitate in the
stomach? What does this mean in practical terms?

   Your product sounds interesting...will check out your site.


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