At 04:46 PM 5/28/99 -0400, you wrote:
>In pratical terms it means that the silver particles aggregate together.
>Basically you can tell particle size by what what light is absorbs.  Ionic
>(atoms) absorb in the uv range and will appear clear when in water.  As
more atoms
>bind together, the wavelenth that is absorbed increases so that at around
5 nm or
>so it will begin absorbing within the visible spectrum, ie. violet.  When
>light is absorbed, you see the complement, or in this case yellow.  Thus as
>particle size increases the "color" of colloidal silver will go from clear to
>light yellow, to gold, orange, red, and brown.  When you have a range of
>particles the it will absorb light across the band, and will appear grey or
>black.  Large particles will not stay suspended and will precipite out,
that is
>fall out.  This is bad.
>Thus when you add aloe vera and get the grey, you end up with a small
amount of
>large particles instead of a large amount of small particles.
Effectiveness is
>proportional to the number of particles, so this drops effectiveness
>considerably.  Also if you ingest it, the large particles will not be able to
>penetrate the stomach and make it into the blood.  Keeping the mixture at
a ph of
>7 or more (sorry I said 7 or less before, that was wrong) and
refrigerating the
>combination should allow it to keep for several months provided that you
>with a high quality colloid that is clear, or only faintly yellow and
>BTW, many sources of aloe vera have benzoic acid in them, and this tends
to make
>the silver aggrregate and precipitate as well, so try to get pure aloe
vera if you
>I hope this helps.
It helps enormously. But I still want to know what happens in the stomach,
when CS hits the stomach acid. Does it aggregate? Why would it or wouldn't
it? This seems to be an important/essential point. If CS aggregates in the
stomach...when it hits stomach acid...then that would really affect the



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