Hi. I use grapefruitseed extrasct.  You can get i it at vitaminshoppe.com
It costs about 10 dollars or less for 100 tabs.  I give myself and my hubby
2 tabs 3-4x a day.  So far it is working for lyme disease.   It cured my
baby of her ear infections and  so far her lyme seems t be in remission too.
Lyme  is much more difficult to rid of so it  should work on staph. good
luck. It is called nutribiotic brand grapefruitseed extract. You can also
get it at a vitaminshoppe store near you. That is where I got mine. best 10
bucks I ever spent. TRISH
-----Original Message-----
From: wong...@aol.com <wong...@aol.com>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Sunday, June 06, 1999 3:41 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Grapefruit Seed Extract

>In a message dated 6/6/99 8:43:06 AM Pacific Daylight Time,
>t...@silvergen.com writes:
><< Thanks Rick.  I subscribe to Dr. Williams newsletter and have some of
> grapefruit seed extract.   Hadn't thought about suggesting its use because
> was locked into CS.  It may be much better because it has more exposure
> trials.  I'll pursue that avenue for our friend.  She's going in for more
> surgery and they have to try to rid her of the staph before cutting.
> Trem Williams >>
>Could you tell me where to purchase GFSE? Dr. Williams won't divulge his
>"reputable" source unless you suscribe to his newsletter. Would you
>reccommend subscription?
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