
Thanks.  That's the kind of info I was looking for.  Someone with a real 
definite outcome from using CS.  I assume the doctors were gnashing their teeth 
when he stopped the antibiotics.  Did they kick him out of the hospital because 
of his refusal to use them?  Did his friends administer the CS or the doctors?  
Did he totally recover?  No staph anymore?  Has he stopped using CS?  If not 
how much does he still take?  How long ago was this?

Whew, am I full of questions.

Thanks for taking the time to answer me.  I appreciate any info and help.

Trem Williams
-----Original Message-----
    From: Harvey Flatbush <ha...@iomet.com>
    To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
    Date: Sunday, June 06, 1999 11:40 AM
    Subject: Re: CS>Staphylococcus infection
    At 09:00 AM 6/6/99 -0700, you wrote: 
    Dear Brooks,
            Thanks for reminding me of what I already knew.  I was just hoping 
someone had a first hand experience with CS and relief from staph.  I thought 
there might be just one person at least who could say "yes, I cured it"  but 
alas it didn't happen.  I guess only Lyme, colds and flu are the sicknesses 
persons on the list are curing.  I take CS but have only had the occasion to 
relieve my own cold symptoms in one day.  Haven't had anything other than that 
to cure.
            Thanks again sir.  I appreciate your response.
            Dear Trem, In my opinion, Staph will be killed by CS usage. I don`t 
know what caused the innumerable UTIs I once had, (probably E. coli,) or the 
eye infections, or the skin problems, etc. I do know that CS stopped the 
nastiness of a spider bite, which may have been a brown recluse. It also 
stopped the Giardiasis my bird had.
            All I can suggest is Try It for staph and see!
    A friend of mine recently had a triple bypass and staph developed in the 
fatty tissues where they were stitched togeter prior to closure. the infection 
started leaking at the surface in two places and he was re hospitalized.  They 
thought they had it stopped and sent him home again only to have it start up 
again. Back to the hospital he went. This time for a week. 
    His wife and a friend they live with work in the Alzheimers unit of a lock 
down nursing home. 
    The friend is the administrator for the Alzheimers unit.  The friend 
insisted they try colloidal silver, stopped the prescribed antibiotics, applied 
the colloidal silver into the weep holes with swabs and it has now started 
healing up. They had to keep the leaking hole open to get the swabs into the 
the holes (two of them). The silver was healing the surface so fast, they 
wanted to be sure the infection was killed on the inside before they could no 
longer get the swab in.  
    The generator they are using has the electrodes 3/4" apart, 2 - 5/8" 
immersion (Ala Peter Lindemann's CS-300) and running a 40 minute batch in 8 
ounces of steam distilled water at room temperature using four 9 volt 
batteries.  Along with the swabbing, my friend was drinking 1 quart a day of 
the same recipe.  Personally , I think they were overdoing it with the amount 
he was drinking of such a strong batch.  It is anybodies guess what the ppm's 
might be. 
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