In a message dated 4/19/2007 12:17:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Hi V I started on the carb blockers but after three days, I have gained 2lbs 
which is not the result I wanted!  However, there must have been a glitch or 
something, and I am starting it again.  I think it was Charles who's wife was 
on them.  Dee  

***Hi Dee..
Do you mind if I ask what brand you took?
Mine is "Natrol"...the package said the product was made of a white bean 
What did yours say?

I will keep track of the weight but not right away...I think it will take 
time to begin to release the fat...but I am keeping track of how I am feeling 
I take the capsule.
It is only the first day of course...but with the first capsule ..I noticed a 

I took one before breakfast and then I had a decaf tea with a half tsp. raw 
honey..2 slices toast (oat bran..whole grain bread)  and Light cream cheese 
with cucumbers.
Crazy breakfast ,huh? But I wake up ravenous because I stop eating by 4 ish 
in the afternoon.

First thing I noticed...I didn't get that sleepy feeling I get when I start 
the day with carbs..
Secondly..I didn't get hungry for hours!!!
That was a plus I hadn't reckoned on.

Also, I have been combining food and that usually really gives me 

I just finished my Dinner...again a sandwich ( I will taper off of that 
soon..its just so nice to be able to eat a sandwich again)..Chicken I had 
last night and Asparagus I had steamed last night also.  Steamed Cauliflower 
with some grated cheese on top as a side dish.
For many people I know that would be considered a good meal..but it really is 
a lot of carbs and combining for to see if I pushed it a little to 
far:(   Won't take long...but so far  I feel very comfortable.
If this continues like it was today...I know that I will see 
progress...feeling excited.

About the 2 lbs...I think the body fluctuates by a few pounds naturally...I 
am glad to hear you are going to try again.
Let us know how it goes...V.

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