On 5/2/07, Terry Chamberlin <tcj...@yahoo.ca> wrote:

The great effort he made to cause the unscientific to
come to the conclusions he wanted them to (that their
product was fundamentally different than and superior
to anything else on the planet) did more to convince
me that, were my product (or almost anyone else's) to
have been that used in their testing, the results
would have been similar.--

Yes. I'm afraid I'm not technical enough to comment on a lot of what he said
but I did study research methods and some of his statements made my hackles
rise - they were so misleading. For instance his claim that his product
would not kill friendly bacteria in your digestive system. this may well be
true but the statement doesn't bear up to analysis. For instance it could
mean that the product doesn't kill friendly bacteria period or it could mean
it doesn't kill any bacteria in your digestive system which I tend to
believe is more probable.

Also his claims of all the things that were cured in African hospitals
including retro viruses. I'd like to know exactly what they mean by 'cured'.
I wasn't aware that anyone would claim a 'cure' for these so I'd like to now
what tests were done.

And wasn't his story about his kid cute and designed to play into the fears
of all parents without actually telling us anything. Very clever psychology.

I'm quite happy to stck to my little nine volt batteries and my silver
