The supplement are being used the same as a drug, are a drug -- defined as any exogenous substance, not produce in the body, used therapeutically. Vit K is available only by prescription for instance.


Dee wrote:
But even doctors sometimes give supplements, i.e. Vit B12 or vit K etc.,  is
this different? Dee -------Original Message------- From: Garnet Date: 08/05/2007 01:17:09 To: Subject: Re: CS>Food as Medicine - Antioxidants Good or Bad For You Because they are so concentrated supplements can easily cause a Disturbance. In food the nutrients are in a naturally occurring balance, If the food is grown under healthy conditions, soil, appropriate sources Of nutrients in the soil etc. That food is what our systems evolved on Not metallic forms of minerals and isolated nutrients in capsules that Do not act in the same way in the body as nutrients in a plant or animal Based matrix of other nutrients that enhance and modulate each other. That small fortune is what motivates the spin doctors to convince people To buy their supplements. At least you have made someone happy buying Them. <smile> Janet

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