Dear Shelli,

> Thanks Mike. That does help. I'm still a little skeptical, only because
> I've never had much luck with exercise. I either can't stick with it or
> if I do stick with it, I don't get much result.

Understand the feeling. I'm not big on sticking with these things.

> I suppose I tone up some but I've never lost weight with exercise and I
> don't get the "feel good" feeling that some people do afterwards.

I get a sweat, and usually get rid of the stiffness and soreness I get 
when I'm inactive. If I push too hard, there'll be a different kind of 
soreness, but then I know to moderate a little. 

I don't think these workouts are enough to trigger release of 
endorphins, however. They're barely long enough to challenge my 
attention span, let alone get into "the zone." <LOL>

> Anyway, enough whining. Do you feel like it is doing anything for your
> lung capacity or your heart? 

Too soon to tell. I'll re-evaluate in another month before I make any 
decision about whether it's working or not.

The way you build up muscle on this program, you're not likely to see 
any weight loss until the increased metabolism finally burns off enough 
fat to balance the muscle weight gain.

> I'm considering getting a rebounder and using it with PACE. I just
> don't want to be disappointed again and waste more money. Please keep
> me updated, even if you'd like to email me privately since this is OT.
> Thanks! Shelli 

Any exercise form that you find enjoyable (or at least tolerable) can 
be adapted to the PACE format. Go with what you have or what you think 
you'd like. If you do buy a good rebounder and don't like it, there're 
always buyers who'll give you back most of what you paid for it.

I'll report again when I think I have anything worth telling.

Be well,

Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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