At 10:14 AM 6/29/99 EDT, you wrote:
My neighbor has a fungus in her ear.  She's been unable to hear for about a
week.  She is putting CS in it but hasn't helped.  Ant suggestions??


I pour full strength hydrogen peroxide and let it bubble for a few minutes
and then I "rinse" with alcohol--for the drying effect.  This is what I did
for the kids' ears when then were swimming 16 hours a day as youngsters.
It works real well.  I don't think a doc would recommend full strength
anything but---  I actually learned this as a child when I had a bad ear
infection that nearly got me systemically.  The doc (in the early 50's) had
my mom doing this several times a day .

I do this sometimes after shampooing my hair for prevention.  Also for
general ear stuff, nutrabiotic makes  ear drops that are also great, but
take too long when the ear is so painful.
Light is "Living in God's Holy Thoughts."

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