Jean Baugh wrote:

This is exactly the reason I'm interested in a CS machine that will use plain water and my estimation of done, by eye, by time or using a meter.

I thought on my last gallon of CS, using the usual Wal-Mart brand distilled water (in Texas), there was something wrong with the machine but dumped out the whole thing, cleaned out the glass container, used a new gallon of distilled water but no starter this time. It seemed to take very little time for the machine to cut off. I suspect at some point in the near future, we will not have access to quality distilled water. I'd rather use plain water than to distill water to use unless there is a problem with plain water.

Generally tap water will not produce any colloidal silver. Instead it will produce silver compounds, depending on what is in your water, silver chloride, silver fluoride, silver nitrate, silver sulfate or silver carbonate. All of these are less effective than colloidal silver, and they all can produce argyria which true colloidal silver cannot.


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