
If you use plain water your health may not be in jeopardy but you are gambling with your appearance. There are already a few examples of argyria caused by using 'plain' water. (Stan Jones is just the most famous). Plain water makes more and bigger particles (of various types) that can lead to argyria. Some recent claims have suggested that any tampering with the water is a bad idea. Even just adding baking soda to distilled water might trigger argyria in extreme cases. (As in the case of someone with very fair skin or an 'argyria prone' physiology)

But particle size is only one issue. By using plain water you are also making assorted chemicals like insoluble silver chloride that your body might not appreciate.

A meter is useless in plain water, as most of the silver goes straight into particles that are NOT measurable with a meter. The meter reading may even go DOWN as you add silver to the water. Going by 'eye' is also no good as you can still have very a high 'particle' ppm thats pretty clear. Going 'by time' might work if you REALLY know your way around the Faraday equation. (Or if you have a silverpuppy, in manual mode, I think the rate is about 1 extra ppm every 4 minutes in a pint of water IF the water is already conductive)

Another problem is that if you are using plain water you are making PARTICULATE CS, not IONIC CS. If, as many people believe, its the ions, not the particles, that do the good work, then you may be missing out on one of the most important components of 'CS'.

I'd use CS made with plain water for short term use if I didn't have any alternative but I wouldn't make a habit of it.


From: Jean Baugh <>
Date: 24 May 2007 10:41:35 AM
Subject: CS>distilled water


This is exactly the reason I'm interested in a CS machine that will use plain water and my estimation of done, by eye, by time or using a meter.

I thought on my last gallon of CS, using the usual Wal-Mart brand distilled water (in Texas), there was something wrong with the machine but dumped out the whole thing, cleaned out the glass container, used a new gallon of distilled water but no starter this time. It seemed to take very little time for the machine to cut off. I suspect at some point in the near future, we will not have access to quality distilled water. I'd rather use plain water than to distill water to use unless there is a problem with plain water.

Didn't someone post over this list about making CS from stream water in the 3rd world?

If the ppm is raised in distilled water, won't this amount to a lesser ppm of CS before an automatic machine cuts off?

Thank you,


- "" <> wrote:

In my neck of the woods Walmart changed distilled
water suppliers and the last batch read 14ppm on my
PWT meter. Unusable, for CS. Check before you use.
Niagara was the last company in CA that was used by
Walmart for DW. That was good stuff at .3ppm. I
guess it varies by state.

-- Cathryn Camara <> wrote:
  The best two places to get distilled water, are
Walmart and Walgreens.  I've learned that from
distilled water from the grocery store.  It's not
same.  Cathy

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