Again, one needs to be very careful, and seek medical advice. In the absence of that (or in the presence of the poor service you have gotten thus far) bloodroot tincture soaked into a cotton ball and applied to the infection will go deep into the site and destroy diseased tissue.

One must protect normal tissue from the bloodroot with whatever kind of barrier will work. (In a pinch, a wad of chewed gum will work.)

The results of bloodroot penetrating deep into the body can be a visual shock; conceivably the impacted wisdom tooth and root could be exposed. Again, whatever list members do without medical supervision is undertaken at one's own risk, and again, infections above the neck can be deadly, according to my reading.

On Saturday, Jun 9, 2007, at 16:11 Asia/Tokyo, Tony Moody wrote:

I have the misfortune of having an infection in my lower jaw, around
wisdom tooth site.

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