One thing about the toxicity of boron and miners: the miners at US
Borax were healthy, and stayed that way, unlike most other types of
mines. The open pit there is so big it is incredible, and they use
explosives, so the dust is everywhere, and you breathe it while there.
Some of the minerals are fibrous, so that is bad, but still the miners
did not get lung disease- that may be due to it's water solubility. The
miners are still encouraged to use safe practices, but I did not see
anyone with a mask on while I was there. Maybe the guys down at the
bottom in all the dust, but they had sealed cabs in the trucks.
That being said, it is possible to get too much of it, and it can be
toxic even in the doses one would get if using it to clean everything
in the home. I remember some of the women that helped me with the mold
issues said to be careful to use gloves if borax is all you use for
cleaning ( it does a great job on mold).
I am not sure how persistant it is the the human body, but it can be
used to kill a lawn weed called "creeping charlie", if applied in the
spring before it grows much- it can be persistant in the soil and if it
builds up too much, it can kill the grass. You can't apply it every
year. That may be a clue.
On Jun 13, 2007, at 9:34 PM, Bruce Anderson wrote:
Greetings all:
Again I turn to the members pf the Silver List for help.
I have gone through all my saved mail and can not find and can not
find the mail I thought I had saved on Boron/Borax.
From memory, Daddy Bob, I think said to wet the index finger to the
first joint from the tip, stick it into the borax and lick it off.
I don't remember how often to do this or how long before results.
Also, the 20 MULE TEAM BORAX I bought was made by DIAL corp. and has a
warning: "CAUTION: Contains sodium tetraborate decahydrate. Avoid
contact with eyes. Do not take internally."
Have I got the wrong product or is this a pharma scare tactic?
Best regards;
Bruce A.
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