Good point, you do want to wipe anything with alcohol, being careful to not
let it soak thru to your skin, as it will carry the oil with it!  Also don't
forget Kitty and Doggy! if either one rolls in a patch of poison ivy, they
won't get it, but you will!!!  Wash pets with pet shampoo only, using dog
shampoos for dogs only, cat and combo shampoos can be used on either. This
would be another cause of poison ivy rash 'spreading!'

I keep a pair of leather gloves in a plastic bag to pull poison ivy. I put
on nitrile gloves first, then the leather ones.

Whenever outdoors weeding, wash hands before using the restroom(!), phone,
etc. You could use that hand sanitizer with paper or cloth towels, just use
a lot and don't let it dry, wipe it off.

>I'd add to the other advice that you have to be careful not to
recontaminate yourself by touching anything that may have the poison ivy
oil on it.  I once had a very bad case get totally out of control because
the oil was on my luggage handles, steering wheel, purse etc. - things I
hadn't thought of washing along with my clothes, shoes etc.


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