Hello: There is some question about whether one benefits from the actual silver in colloidal silver or the field effect of the silver in the water. I've been able to introduce the field effect of colloidal silver into ordinary tap water and the result has been colloidal silver of magnificant quality without any actual silver being present other than perhaps the incidental amount normally in tap water. It even has a metalic after taste to it. And the process has been done repeatedly over the phone and the internet (Skype) utilizing a device called the Eagle Guardian (http://www.eagleresearchllc.com/) and the microphone and receiving ear piece at both ends. One person who drank it thought it was ordinary water afterwards and he had a herx reaction after drinking a whole glass. Another when they received the CS and used it for a month or two, came back and said it was the best CS she had ever used and wanted more. A lady in Atlanta yesterday had a rip roaring vaginal yeast infection and when she douched with it the itching immedicatly subsided.
Even without using the Eagle Guardian, experienced or adventuresome people can reproduce the field of CS into water and achieve like results. Which means, possession of an actual silver generator and electrical current may not necessarily be required to make effective colloidal silver, only your hands or a phone line and and existing sample of good CS (either homeopathic in type or originally generated type). And the argument of particle size, ionized, non ionized, colour, no colour, protein, no protein never needs to be an issue with this type of product. I know it's a little difficult to get some excitement about this from long standing users of the traditionally generated CS but think about it and the advantages this type of generation could have. This lady in Atlanta had used CS before but didn't have any in the house and couldn't get out to get any. I am still working at the developmental stage of this but early results are very encouraging. It took a long time to get people to do actual research with traditional CS and I expect it would take longer to get someone to do expensive tests on treated tap water. Stability, longetivity - I don't know but intially it's been good for at least 3 months and counting. The process occurs in basically three stages: 1) the other person's permission and involvement, either through purchase, acknowledgement or actual participation as in over the phone 2) clearing existing, contaminating, field effects from the container of tap water 3) introducing the desired field effect into the water that has been cleared, utilizing an existing sample and a mode of introducing the field into the water Yes, it's possible to introduce the field effect of other substances into the water as well. Been there, done that too. Has anyone else begun to research this at all? It would be good to hear from you. Regards, Ian Roe