This is very interesting, I have thought about this too- replying to the OT list.....

On Jul 12, 2007, at 1:52 PM, CWFugitt wrote:

After much study and thought, I came up with a deduction.

I read this nowhere in this concept.

Intercellular Communication, or the failure of it, is the cause of many diseases, if not most diseases.

I first came across strong supporting information when studying Flesh Eating Bacteria. ( not really any such thing, they lied to us about this) It is actually Flesh Eating Syndrome.

It would be more accurately called "Aspirin Disease" or "NSAID Disease". Now the drug companies would not like that, would they.

Another thing that got my attention was, "The Brain in the Gut" whereas the gut sends 30 times more messages to the brain than the brain sends to the gut.

Many things block the intercellular communication within the cells.
This includes most pain relievers, maybe even DMSO.
It was originally defined as a NSAID and is still called this in places.

So, where does this leave the masses that know very little or nothing? In a world of hurt, and continuously destroying what little health they have left.

Many subjects relate directly to intercellular communications.
I won't mention them all now.

By the way, the first scientist made discoveries in the 60's about this and over 10,000 articles exist today. So, if you are interested, use Google to learn more.

People with many ailments like Ruth and others no doubt have communication problems, if they have taken drugs for any length of time.

If they are allowed to exist and worsen, no amount of treatments, special products, or gadgets can solve the problems, unless the communication failures are corrected.

The brain suffers major communication failures. Likely input as well as output failures. It cannot do the things that need to be done to make up for minor body chemistry problems. So, everything continues in the malfunction state, or even gets worse.

Be aware that most of this is my ideas and opinions. But based on a degree of study and facts.

I welcome other ideas and opinions.  Pro, Con, or otherwise.

Duncan Crow has information on his website about this.


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