Could I add to the questions?
    My son, 11 and moderately active, when he's gotten hot on a couple of 
occasions, started sweating heavily and almost passed out.  He also gets 
nauseous easily, even when eating something he likes.  He has terrible body 
odor--smells like onions.  He also has what I think is a thyroid problem--he 
falls asleep easily when he sits for any length of time--if not watching 
something exciting--and gets cold very easily.  Could your mineral 
recommendations here address these problems?  

CWFugitt <> wrote:

>> At 09:43 PM 7/24/2007, you wrote:

Lots of good questions and food for thought.  Most are my favorite subjects.

  My grandson is having a sweating problem and also blood sugar; he has been 
feeling extremely tired and sweats a lot.
  It would be nice to know his age and activity status.
The sweat does not have to be salty.   I discovered years ago I could sweat 
until it blurred my vision, and it was not salty.

This concerned me and I did some study.  The body can in fact conserve and hang 
on to the salt.  But, it must be very healthy to do it. 

Later when I worked in the heat, sweated a lot, and the sweat was not salty, I 
knew it was going to be a good day indeed.

Few people believe this, most have never experienced it, but I have.

   A couple of years ago he slightly had hypoglycemia. I know he needs to 
correct his eating habits for sure, but I don't know where to start.
  Start with blood electrolytes and minerals, until the diet can be corrected.  
 Even they, supplements can be important.

   He came over last night and we gave him a glass full of CS. Also, was 
wondering what would cause a person to need potasium.  Heck everyone needs it, 
Most do not get enough.
   Mineral imbalance exists.  Do you know how much one needs per day ?  2500 to 
4000 mg.  Virtually no one gets enough.

  No particular reason except that I know it can be crucial when you are low of 
 Yes, Indeed.  The balance of potassium, magnesium, calcium, and sodium are all 

He may have some serious problems that result in upsetting this balance.

Until it is all figured out, 2 or 3 packs of Emergen'C per day can help greatly.

He may need a blood analysis to see these levels in the blood.

Watch the sodium.  Many do not get enough.  2000 mg per day or more depending 
on activity, weather and sweat.

Proper calcium metabolism effects thousands of things.
Could be a thyroid problem or para thyroid which if vital to proper calcium 
