Thanks for your comprehensive reply, Wayne.   I am taking him to a doctor next 
month that combines alopathic and holistic medicine.  We live in NW central 
Illinois, so not many options in the immediate area.  I have St. Louis & 
Chicago with driving range, so it's no problem if I found one in those areas.  
    He has always gotten cold easily and fallen asleep easily when bored.  The 
body odor just showed up a few months ago. [I assumed it could be to changing 
hormones--he's not so little anymore]  I give him a Standard Process 
supplement, Catalyn for children, cod liver oil and a probiotic.  It is a 
battle to make him eat vegetables, but he will eat some fruit.  
    Is there a good way to locate a doctor who would look at his blood?  I 
would certainly pursue this.  Perhaps this doctor I'm taking him to will.  
Although Peoria may not attract progressive thinking doctors, as the majority 
of people in the area aren't aware of the fact that alopathic medicine can't 
address real health issues.  And thank you for the book recommendation.  I'll 
get a copy.
  Thanks so much

CWFugitt <> wrote:
  Morning Theresa,

>> At 11:40 PM 7/24/2007, you wrote:

>Could your mineral recommendations here address these problems?

To answer that either yes or no requires more knowledge and data than we 
have available.

I can only say this, and a large percent of knowledgeable people would 
agree. No matter what ails a person, even nothing, they need a supply 
of a variety of minerals every day. Ideally from food, but the food supply 
is in terrible condition, so we have to supplement to some degree.

Most people cannot imagine the damage that the heavy rainfalls are doing to 
our food. Example, I had some excellent cantaloupes in the first 200 I 
harvested. Later after the rain set in, my daughter picked 4 nice looking 
cantaloupes. The first two we sampled, we took one bite each and they went 
into the compost pile. Number 3 was the same. With number 4, I said, I 
would not eat it. She cut it up to freeze. In my opinion, no flavor, no 
vitamins and minerals.

I could tell lots more about this but I think you get the idea.

> My son, 11 and moderately active, when he's gotten hot on a couple of 
> occasions, started sweating heavily and almost passed out. He also gets 
> nauseous easily, even when eating something he likes. He has terrible 
> body odor--smells like onions. He also has what I think is a thyroid 
> problem--he falls asleep easily when he sits for any length of time--if 
> not watching something exciting--and gets cold very easily.

Sounds like a circulation problem but could be blood oxygenation.
Maybe a blood disorder exists.

Within the last two years, I read a story of a young person that had many 
ailments, had been to many doctors, treated for many ailments that he did 
not have. Nothing helped.

One genius doctor examined him and found a defect that was blocking air 
flow. Someplace in the throat I think. He fixed the problem in short 
order and all his weird symptoms disappeared.

I don't know where you are located, but there are still a few doctors that 
study live blood. One of these could likely identify some problem within 
minutes, Not 100 bogus expensive test that are worthless. Try to find one !

Also, you did not mention if he has had the problems all his life or they 
developed at a specific age.

I don't believe in the single cause, single cure that many people want. In 
very rare cases, maybe. But most of the time, problems must be eliminated 
and the body will take care of the healing.

You need to find ONE good doctor with an open mind that does not have his 
hands tied by the AMA. Most of them are worthless or worse.

You could cut his finger and see if he bleeds. One great doctor made an 
unbelievable diagnosis by such a test.

You might find an amateur that would look at his blood.

Don't give up.

I recommend one great book to everyone, "Never Be Sick Again"
by Raymond Francis. It covers a lot about cell chemistry. It sums up 
most of everything I learned in 40 years of study.
Awesome it is !


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