With regard to all kinds of odd problems, a good environmental dr might be able to sort some of it out. There are some Env. drs around the n chicago area. When I hear about the food problems, it makes me think about allergies and sensitivities, also the getting cold, sweating. There could be significant toxin buildup of some sort, which can throw things out of whack. I am not sure if the En. dr would know about the toxin problem, but then again, most people can excrete them without trouble once the main problem is addressed.

my dr group is

Allergy Associates
615 S. 10th St
LaCrosse, WI 54601
(800) 950-9740

Academy of Environmental Medicine might have a dr closer to home:


If it were me, I would not force him to eat anything he did not want to eat, and work on finding the options he likes, not counting , of course, desserts etc.

It is amazing how nauseated one can get when one's sinuses are filling up one's stomach with mucous- which can happen with hay fever or allergies. It drains down the back of the throat, in our sleep, even.

I don't think kids can really eat too much salt- we all have an inner sense for that, unless we have damaged it. I would be concerned about electrolyte replacement with sweating for anyone. So maybe Gatorade type drinks; EmergenC has potassium, so that plus a pinch of salt is what I use.

That's all I can think of for now,  Kathryn

On Jul 24, 2007, at 11:40 PM, Theresa Widmer wrote:

Could I add to the questions?
  My son, 11 and moderately active, when he's gotten hot on a couple of occasions, started sweating heavily and almost passed out.  He also gets nauseous easily, even when eating something he likes.  He has terrible body odor--smells like onions.  He also has what I think is a thyroid problem--he falls asleep easily when he sits for any length of time--if not watching something exciting--and gets cold very easily.  Could your mineral recommendations here address these problems? 

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