Try xylitol its great in coffee baking Ihaven't found anything its not good for.
Debb Bos
S.Surrey BC Canada
To: <>
August 10, 2007 5:52 PM
Subject: CS>Caramelized sugar

Hello, friends,

A lady friend of ours that just began using our EIS/CS is trying to improve her family's health. She has practically turned to raw fruts and vegetables, coconut and other tropical nuts, low-gluten, no-transfats, no commercial oils (only extra virgin cold pressed olive oil). She uses mostly unprocessed raw honey or whole cristalyzed sugar cane syrup (¨panela¨/¨papelón¨), but due to normal family addictions she is having trouble totally eliminating white sugar. She wants to know if ground Caramelized sugar, as a transition, is any better than white sugar. Since my chemistry knowledge is very limited, I could not answer that, and therefore have to call call for help from the chemistry knowledgeable members of the group.

Thanks in advance.


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