Ok Wayne I can do this too.

CWFugitt wrote:
Morning Meg'gan,

>> At 10:38 AM 8/13/2007, you wrote:

ok so, I had set things up in separate email so that it would be less confusing, so here I am right back at confusing.

You should not be confused. Remember, the problem clearly stated is half solved.
I am only confused at why all of a sudden the old email is being used. normally once you once you do something you don't have to go back an do it again.

It would be nice if I could know what is happening, but just knowing if I am going to have to do the whole subscribe - unsubscribe thing all over again would be nice,

That only takes a few seconds and is no hill to climb.( that is to subscribe and un subscribe )

Yes but why should I have to climb that hill more then once, and if there is a problem somewhere, will I have to do everything over again in a few weeks......SURLY you can understand why I would like to know what has happened rather then just fix it...because in my experience it CAN and WILL happen again.

so that before school start the email I used for personal is not being flooded daily with email from this list, though I love reading the post from this list...I have to be able to find emails regarding other things, and on a busy day for the CS list this is hard.

  Again, you should be using a program that allows filters.
I never get any mail in my Silver mailbox other than Silver list messages. Likewise with the off topic list and others.

Yes Well as I said once before I lost everything on this computer, recently and though I have an Thunderbird going again, I do not have all my filters set up yet.

<almost obnixious text omitted for pourposes of sainity>

I don't think I should have to do the whole process of subscribing from one email and un-subscribing from another, because I did it once on the 29th of last month....but I will if it will fix the problem that started on Friday night.
Help would be be appreciated.

   I don't think you stated the problem.  If you did, I missed it.
That is, other than mixed up messages. Thre is no problem with having 2, 3 or more email addresses at the same time. The better programs will handle that nicely also.

The problem WHICH I do state is that I am getting these emails on a email account that I unsubscribed from using this account FOR a season, one which granted you don't agree with (and I don't care that you don't) and subscribed using the other email, this was going fine from the 29th of July till Friday. and I have as can be seen in my post already emailed the list owner and was not getting results, that is why I posted it to the list. THIS IS NOT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING I DID. and I would prefer to find out what the problem is before changing it and just hoping it doesn't happen again
<more almost obnoxius text omitted for pourposes of sanity>

You absolutely must master a little understanding of the mail systems or ELSE.......... you will fight these problems for
Years, and Years, and Years, and waste thousands of hours doing it.

It is nothing to get 200, 500, or 800 messages per day when you master managing them properly.
If you actually read what I had written instead of skimming it Wayne I believe you would see that I did state the problem, though apparently not worded in a way that you can understand. and that it has nothing to do with web based mail. and I do have enough understanding of email....enough to know that whatever happened over the weekend was not my fault, I did the steps correctly, but now out of the blue something has happened. I know you thing I'm an idiot, and am just bitching about something web based, but I am not I have an email client that I use. and I have a problem that does not have to do with my intelligence. IT has do do with something that I did not do. And it was stated in my email, and I would like to not have to subscribe and unsubscribe every few weeks, that will in my opinion be a pain in the ass. So IMO you can make this into another debate, which I will NOT be participating in, or you can help with the problem by at the very least understanding that the problem does not have to do with web based mail ....or my intelligence.

oh and by the way Wayne I Do get about 500 emails a day, thats why I decided to switch some of them to a different email, because I need to be able to ck this one from school and easily see items that I need.

I hope this clears up SOME of what you where unable to comprehend from my fist message, I do apologize if I was unclear, or too wordy for you., sometimes that happens, but let me REPEAT will will not be debating with you on this. I want to resolve the problem at hand not go through a debate process with you about web based mail and email clients, I know I have a tendency to be blunt at times so I hope you will understand that I just do not have the time or patience to respond to another email like this one.

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