As ticks and Lyme is up for discussion again, I am posting part of a 
Daddybob experience and opinion that sounds like very valuable regime and 
first aid advice to me.  Daddybob had one of his daughters completely cured 
of Lyme within a year using the Salt/C protocol, and not too long ago his 
other daughter found a tick embedded in her skin.

This is part of his report:

"The first thing I did was to get a half teaspoon of RealSalt into her. We 
had taken
our MKBD along with us (for you who have not run into the term, it is a form
of the Energy Pulser and may be considered to be a very simple form of a
MWO    [=multi wave oscillator, I think - R.]) It is very powerful so we 
don't overuse it, and I had her to expose the
bite area to the device for 2 minutes.

We all went back to bed but my mind was good and switched on by this time.
For those of you who don't know, we've already dealt with and beaten Lyme in
our daughter Emma by using the Salt/C protocol and the MKBD. But now that I
had direct knowledge of the exact time of the bite in this case, I was
determined to do more about it immediately somehow.

I didn't get my answer until I had some more sleep, but Sunday morning
here's what we did. I knew Mom had some DMSO. I looked up the molecular
weight of sodium chloride on the internet and found it to be about 53, which
is well under the 1000 threshold for DMSO to carry substances through the
skin. I had Bonnie to mix table salt into it until it dissolved but kept it
thick. We did not use RealSalt because I wanted as pure sodium chloride for
this as I could get right then.

I had her to rub the wound with this mixture about 4 times before we left in
the early afternoon. The idea is to get salt right in there early to kill
any microorganims, bacterial or parasitical.

>From our early days of treating Emma's Lyme, I had bought some USP Sodium
Chloride tablets. If I'd had these with me that's what I would've used. From
now on, a bottle of them will travel in my toiletry bag, and a small bottle
of DMSO also. Ticks are rampant these days. I could go on about why I think
there are so many more now but the important thing is to know that they are
everywhere now. "

Hope this proves valuable for someone - Rowena in Australia

Hope you don't mind, Daddybob, but this information is too valuable to let 
it get lost or forgotten. - R

SMax said: Straight off of
An excellent and highly regarded website to obtain information pertaining to
Lyme Disease which has reached epidemic proportions in the US. 

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