My raw milk stays fresh for 3 weeks minimum.
I have to stock up as my source is far away.

You're on the CS list.
Can you make a connection here?

Soured raw milk is not a "bad" thing.
Some  sour it on purpose for added benefit.
It's the pasturized/homogenized that's "bad" dead food.

"I am" reportedly the shortest sentence in the English language.
Could it be that "I do" is the longest sentence?

On 9/3/2007 1:43:28 AM, zeb caffe ( wrote:
> Wayne ,you advocate the use of eggs and milk. I wonder if you think that
> pasturized milk and eggs that are not organic are still beneficial? Of
> course I am sure that you prefer the raw organic over not but if a person
> is unable to eat raw or organic, do you still think that milk and eggs are
> good?I have heard that people who are lactose intolorant can tolerate raw
> milk but if it is not raw, they have gastro problemsThe best eggs I have
> seen, have come from farmers markets where the yolk is a deep color. The
> grocery store eggs that are in the organic section dont seem to look or
> taste any better. I still buy them over the conventional eggs. Raw milk is
> hard because it comes in such big bottles and it goes bad quickly so it
> never gets finished before it gets sour.

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