Thank you Jonathan.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Jonathan B. Britten" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 04, 2007 4:16 AM
Subject: Re: CS>World Farming Disaster

As time goes by, I have grown more and more attracted to individuals and groups that are able to see -- and accept -- just how bad things are, yet still strive for constructive solutions.

There's one interesting group in the USA called Sustainable Community Development. If I were living on farmland I'd be working with those folks, and learning to farm with Higa's Essential Microorganisms.

I honestly think this technology can change the world for the better, but that it will be uphill sledding due to the enormously corrupt and greedy system in place today. I think EM farming could be done on the large scale as well as the small scale.

Some of the big players could turn things around quickly if they put their minds to it.

They may be forced to.  We all may be forced to.

The first step is being informed, and the fellow who wrote the Harper's essay certainly accomplished that.

What an amazing work . . .


On Tuesday, Sep 4, 2007, at 15:55 Asia/Tokyo, CWFugitt wrote:

Now we all have something else to worry about.

I guess we can thank you for that.  <grin>

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