At 07:02 AM 7/11/99 +0100, you wrote:
Thanks for the info, will be looking forward to September and yet another
gleem of hope!!!!!!

>Yep I took two drops of liquid copper (RemeStat ) in 750ml of water three
>times a day, I even upped it to 3 drops of the stuff in 750ml.
>Cleared my gut problems in about a week & my blood tests show no sign of
>Candida Albicans, thank the maker!
>To be fair, CS did shift the Candida in my mouth, It was the Candida in my
>gut that proved to be the bitch to get to.
>I'm told the Zinc (RemeDay) & Copper solution will be available via free
>phone & Internet mid-September in the US.
>There will also be a web site, I will of course let you all know as soon as
>it's up & running.
>I'm taking the Zinc to halt the HIV virus.
>The Colloidal Silver I'm taking has stopped all opportunistic infections.
>Regards, Simon Caleb - The Silver Surfer
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <>
>> Simon the Silver Surfer mentioned the copper colloid.  I believe he said
>> took two drops.
>> Taylor
>> << << But recently it was reported, here I believe, that a
>>   form of colloidal copper was EXTREMELY effective at
>>   completely wiping out candida albicans, so it was for
>>   this one, specific use that I was inquiring.>>
>> << I thought it was zinc the guy mentioned fo candida.
>>  edith>>
>>   >>
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"Light is Living in God's Holy Thoughts"

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