Don't mean to go off topic- Cleaning out old files-ran across this article.  Is 
this true????  How much and what kind of Magnesium should be taken???  Thank 
you so much in advance.





Magnesium is often called the anti-stress mineral because it has a calming 
effect when taken. Its soothing properties induce restful sleep. It is very 
much needed by the person who has a hyperactive nervous system, or one who is 
hot-tempered, overly active, or agitated. Magnesium is part of bones and cells, 
especially the smooth cells of arteries. It protects the arterial fining from 
stress caused by sudden blood pressure changes. Magnesium assists in the 
absorption of calcium and potassium. Over 300 enzymes need magnesium to 
function properly. It has also been called the circulatory mineral because of 
its regulating effect on muscle contraction. Magnesium helps the body to 
utilize vitamins B6, C, and E. When combined with B6 it helps to reduce and 
dissolve calcium phosphate stones. Magnesium is so important that the brain 
stores twice as much magnesium as other body tissues - this is a "safety 
supply" to have in the event of a drop in the magnesium reserves. Magnesium 
combats acids, toxins, gases, and impurities in the body. It makes tissues 
limber, elastic, youthful, and supple.  It is a natural laxative for the bowels.


Possible Signs of Deficiency:


1.    Person may seem nervous

2.    Increased cravings for sugar and sweet foods

3.    Constipation

4.   Many heart conditions, including arrhythmia,   angina pain, congestive 
heart  failure, heart attacks (without magnesium, arteries, especially in the 
heart and 

       brain, tense up)

5.       Strokes, 

6.      Hypertension, 

7.      High LDL cholesterol levels.  

8.      Migraine headaches, 

      9.   Poor concentration 

    10.   Irritability and nervousness, caused by poor        transmission of 
nerve and muscle impulses.

    11.  Spasmodic pains in women during monthly cycle


The following deplete magnesium:

Stress-diuretics-fluoride--refined flour-chemotherapy-too much 
sugar-antibiotics-large amounts of protein-high fat foods decrease absorption 
of magnesium, as do foods high in oxalic acid (such as almonds, cocoa, spinach 
and tea)



Foods high in magnesium include:

yellow corn and yellow corn meal,apples, dried soybeans and soy milk sunflower 
seeds, parsley, oats, cabbage, whole wheat




The How to Herb Book 

Nutritional Herbology, 

Prescription for Nutritional Healing

The Chemistry of Man