I ended my lower back spasms (back going out) by taking Magnesium in chelated multi-mineral capsules and also taking colloidal minerals. We are currently trying to do the Budwig diet which claims to help joint problems in addition to cancer and heart problems, and the Budwig diet wants people to stop taking supplements. I'm having a struggle mentally with this but we are trying the diet and if it works it would be great since our supplement rights are threatened and may be taken away. People recommend Magnesium orotate, aspartate, citrate, chloride, and I took malate for a while. Dosage is usually about 400 mg to balance 1000 mg of Calcium. The list of food sources at the end interested me as I am trying for the food approach at present. It would save a lot of money if it works.


On Sep 22, 2007, at 9:10 AM, Gladys Williams wrote:

Don't mean to go off topic- Cleaning out old files-ran across this article.  Is this true????  How much and what kind of Magnesium should be taken???  Thank you so much in advance.

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