

----- Original Message ----- From: "CWFugitt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 22, 2007 11:26 PM
Subject: CS>Obtaining Food and Nutrients

At 04:26 PM 9/22/2007, you wrote:
I'm having a struggle mentally with this but we are trying the diet and if it works it would be great since our supplement rights are threatened and may be taken away.

Follow the advice and take away all the supplements, and you will likely struggle physically also.

The problem is, the food is inferior, and we do not work hard enough to eat enough food to get the needed supplements.

Study the amount of food our ancestors ate 75, 100 or more years ago and you will be amazed at the amount they ate.

They were mining minerals from 5 to 10 times the food we eat each day.

In the  50's I worked for a nearby farmer.  He fed the workers lunch.
His wife cooked meals that made most Thanksgiving dinners pale and puny.

All kinds of vegetables, several raw fruits and vegetables, several gravies, several kinds of hot bread, several kinds of meat.

I guess she realized that to help people deliver good work she had to cook something everyone liked.

All of it was delicious and workers had a super appetite.

The soil was better then than now. But the era I referenced above was 25 to 50 years before that. Even better soil and people worked harder, often from daylight until dark.

The work was not child's play. I was a teenager then and did the work of a grown man.

This could have contributed to my health for the next 50 or so years.

No supplements at that time.

I was out of high school when I started physical conditioning and studying health and nutrition.

Somehow, I knew that the easy jobs I had were not going to do the same as the hard work I had done in the previous years.

Today I would be hesitant to stop supplements for any reason.

If anything cuts off the supplements, I may have to go back to living like a cave man. Hunting, fishing, trapping, foraging for nuts and berries, digging for roots and grubs, defending the food I have, and you name it.

Obtaining food and water could become a full time job.

Fortunately, I know more about all the methods than most.


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