
I take mag oil every day, it does increase energy, makes teeth stronger and 
just about everything else.
Brooks had an excellent article on mag.
More info is on
I do have the Doctors book on transdermal Mag Therapy, great reading.

-------------- Original message ----------------------
From: Shiona Phillips <>
> Over on the  list there has 
> been a discussion over the last few days on the subject of transdermal 
> magnesium chloride which involves applying magnesium chloride oil to the 
> skin, which is apparently a very effective way of getting it into the 
> body, using oil derived from brine solutions from seawater. I haven't 
> tried it myself but it looks interesting ...
> This is the home page of Dr. Mark Sircus, the author of a recommended 
> book "Transdermal Magnesium Therapy"
> " There are over 200 published clinical studies[iii] documenting the 
> need for magnesium and many examples of miraculous “cures” from the use 
> of this common mineral. Even DAN (Defeat Autism Now) doctors 
> underestimate autistic children’s needs recommending only 50 milligrams 
> twice a day in oral form. Not much of that is going to get into the 
> children’s blood and cells because oral administration of magnesium is 
> not absorbed readily and is made less available because of all the 
> problems in these kids’ GI systems. Professor Gilbert LeLord of France 
> published six studies evaluating the use of vitamin B6 with magnesium, 
> on autistic children and adults. Their studies typically used as much as 
> 500 milligrams of magnesium with more than satisfactory results.
> According to Dr. Norman Shealy oral magnesium supplementation takes 
> between 6 to 12 months to restore intracellular levels whereas a 
> transdermally applied magnesium lotion with 25% magnesium chloride 
> restores intracellular levels within 4 to 6 weeks. Some nutritional 
> experts now believe that 750 milligrams of magnesium supplement per day 
> is a more physiologic[iv] recommendation but to take that much orally 
> might upset the digestive system, cause diarrhea, and end up not being 
> properly absorbed.
> Good sources of magnesium include whole grains, nuts, peanut butter, 
> cottonseed, peanut and soybean flours, green leafy vegetables and 
> spices. It's better to get magnesium from foods rather than supplements 
> because high doses have a laxative effect--the body's way of preventing 
> toxic levels. But unfortunately we have to come to terms with the fact 
> that the food values of magnesium have been dropping over the last fifty 
> years making it extremely difficult to receive all we need from foods. 
> The International Medical Veritas Association recommends a system of 
> transdermal magnesium therapy that bypasses the problems evident with 
> oral magnesium supplementation. (See treatment recommendations) "
> Shiona
> --
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