Bill Schramm wrote:

> Tryptophan is one of the essential amino acids found in foods.  It is not an
> artificial chemical.  Supplements of most of the essential amino acids such
> as phenylalanine, arginine, lysine, etc. are available at health food stores
> and some are alleged to have therapeutic properties.
> Many years ago tryptophan supplements were sold as an aid for
> anxiety/insomnia and from my point of view were equally effective as
> artificial chemicals in Sominex and other products which were subsequently
> banned as carcinogenic (The brand "sominex" no longer contains
> methylpyrilene maleate)
> Unfortunately a few people got a rare and potentially fatal blood disorder
> (eosinophilia) from a batch of Tryptophan which I believe was made in
> Mexico.  Although from my point of view this reaction was due to some
> impurity in the process, the FDA inexplicably banned tryptophan for human
> consumption.

I beleie the offending product was made in Japan.  At any rate they had just
changed their process, and a chemical they were using in the extraction was
being left in the product.  This toxic impurity was what was causing the

> Guess there is not enough profit in a natural product to run through the FDA
> testing program and get it back on the market.

Since it is a natural product, testing should not be necessary.  I think the
problem is that it is not patentable, so it is cheaper and safer solution to the
patented chemicals that are marketed by big companies.  Just like CS.  Outlawing
it was an illegal act by FDA as far as I can tell.


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