i'm also type 1a, and last summer was symptomatic to the point of having to
do something just to keep on keeping on.  i started right off by buying a CS
generator, since i got one cheap on ebay and had faith i could at least
resell it.  started out with 4-6oz/day divided into 3-4 shots, at about
14ppm (as measured with a cheap TDS meter).  major huge turnaround in 24
hours, but didn't last...symptoms came back but not as bad, but
progressively better for a month at which time i felt reborn.
other problems also cleared up over the next several months, like gum
disease and toenail fungus (almost).
i started making it at twice the strength and taking half the qty at 2
shots/day...and that turned out to be a mistake.  symptoms started showing
themselves very slightly again after awhile, and where the toenail fungus
only had 1/8" to finish growing out clean, it started coming in discolored
again from the base on both big toes.
so at about the 6 month point i started making it stronger yet, and doing
6-8oz/day, divided into 3-4 shots.  by this time i had accumulated Beck
Protocol tools which i use sporadically.  i'd also accumulated various herbs
per stephen buhner's "herbs for hep-c and the liver" and had revamped my
diet a lot, and started doing the herbs and other supps regularly.
this seems to have me back on top of the virus, but still not feeling as
amazingly well as last fall.  the toenail fungus is again almost all grown
out, gums are great, and my eyes have turned almost pure blue.  in july my
viral load was 1.3 million, and alt & ast were still above normal...also AFP
has gone above normal, and while that's a cancer indicator it also happens
with smokers and can coincide with treatments being effective according to
something i read on the web...in june i quit tobacco, so at the time of the
blood test i was probably still purging that.

also this spring i started adding in Tetrasilver Tetroxide at about 10ppm.
i have no way of knowing if the HCV has become wise to the CS and the
control i now get may be due to the TT and herbs.  i have no way of knowing
if the herbs and either/both the CS & TT are mutually beneficial,
cancelling, detrimental, or no effect.

if i had it to do over, i'd start the CS at 8oz/day, at least 25ppm, and
keep it up steady.  i'd also start right off juicing raw organic fruits &
veggies, esp carrots and beets, daily and do plenty of chlorella, spirulina,
C, E, selenium, MSM as they're all great supps and are the base of the
argyria cure case posted on the web, so they should be a good idea to help
keep the silver moving on through and not accumulating in tissues.

last week i've added in the MMS chlorine dioxide and am up to 15 drops
several times daily, timed from 8pm to 6 am so i can take all my high C and
antioxidant foods and supps during the day without neutralizing the MMS.
too soon to tell what's happening with that, except i've had no herxing
aside from some stuffy nose in the morning that clears when i arise... have
had none of the nausea/vomiting/diarrhea that others have experienced with
increasing the MMS, but i ramped up steadily for a week.  i think i'm
probably very pathogen free except for the hep, and folks seem to think the
funky rxns to the MMS come from it killing off stuff... i don't know that i
agree with that yet.  once i hit the 15drop point (this morning) i have
finally experienced significant loosening of stools, and farting all day.  i
used to fart kinda pungent the first couple weeks of doing all the herbs,
but that tamed down.
i'm going to be doing 15drop doses at around 8 and 10pm, then again at 4 and
6am steadily now for the next several weeks (unless i get the nasty sides
and have to back down for a bit), then stay at 6drop/day  after that for a
couple months.  somewhere in the next couple months i'll get another blood
test and see how the numbers are doing.

hope that's some help.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Clayton Family [mailto:clay...@skypoint.com]
> Sent: Thursday, October 11, 2007 2:29 PM
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Subject: CS>Hepatitis advice sought
> Dear List,
> I have a good friend that is taking  a little CS for her hep, and would
> love to have more info. In particular, she is concerned about larger
> amounts of CS conflicting with her herbs and chinese medicines, or
> rather, her practitioner is concerned, and she would like info to
> reassure him, as well as educate herself.  Her viral load is over 12
> million, type 1A. She gave me some other numbers, as well, but am not
> sure what they mean.  I am gently nudging her to take more cs, and get
> a machine to make it at home. Sounds like she is going to do that in
> the next couple of weeks, I made a bunch for her (3 qts) when I was
> there last weekend, so she should be good for awhile, as it will take
> some time for her to ramp up her intake.
> I have a few posts from March of this year, but any archive info from
> before that would be wonderful, as well as talking to an actual person
> who has done this.
> Thank you so much,
> Kathryn
> --
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