Dear List,

I have a good friend that is taking a little CS for her hep, and would love to have more info. In particular, she is concerned about larger amounts of CS conflicting with her herbs and chinese medicines, or rather, her practitioner is concerned, and she would like info to reassure him, as well as educate herself. Her viral load is over 12 million, type 1A. She gave me some other numbers, as well, but am not sure what they mean. I am gently nudging her to take more cs, and get a machine to make it at home. Sounds like she is going to do that in the next couple of weeks, I made a bunch for her (3 qts) when I was there last weekend, so she should be good for awhile, as it will take some time for her to ramp up her intake.

I have a few posts from March of this year, but any archive info from before that would be wonderful, as well as talking to an actual person who has done this.

Thank you so much,


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