>need advice...I was going to buy CS at local health food store. should I
rinse the
>sinuses with a solution including CS or ingest it ? Can someone recommend
the proper
>ratio of CS to water and other ingredients if a rinse is recommended ?
You can do both! My friend uses a saline sprayer to spritz CS into her
nostrils, she reports it is really helping! Taking some internally will help
boost the immune system so that you won`t have any more infections, and even
allergies are much improved. I used to really suffer with allergies, not any
 If you`d like to make your own CS it is really easy, and is a LOT cheaper,
a few cents a gallon versus 20 bucks for a 4 ounce bottle.
Here`s how:
Get 4 nine-volt batteries, (lithiums last 4 times longer than alkalines, if
you can afford the initial expense, about 28 bucks.)
2 pairs of alligator clips, (each pair is connected by a wire)
2 five inch long pieces of .999 fine silver wire, 14 gauge
2 cups of distilled water
a glass measuring cup, to measure and make in the same cup
a water bottle to store the CS in.
(I usually have silver wire to sell, at cost, for 5 bucks. I`ll need an
address if you want some, or I can send the phone number of the jewelry
supplier I use. They only sell by the ounce.)
Rinse the cup and storage bottle with distilled water (dw) to get rid of any
dust, soap residue or whatever.
Measure out 2 cups of dw.
Connect the four batteries together, top to top. Connect the silver wires to
the batteries using the clips. Drop the silver wires into the water. Keep
them about 1 inch apart, about the distance of the handle on the cup.
Let it sit about one hour total. If you get a silver oxide buildup, wipe it
off with a paper towel. Any that drops into the water is harmless.
You will see bubbles on one wire, the oxides on the other, and maybe you`ll
see the faint golden clouds forming, that is the colloid!
Pour the finished CS into the storage bottle.
Take a swallow a day as a preventive, three for an active infection. Use
topically too; in the eyes it is mild and really stops the itchiness of hay
If you have any questions, please let me know. I`m really glad to help!!
Marsha in Vallejo

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