Well put, Mike.

"M. G. Devour" <mdev...@eskimo.com> wrote: Hi folks,

Here in the US, in order for doctors to function professionally on any 
basis at all they must participate in a system that is extremely 
controlled -- many of us would say thoroughly corrupt. No matter their 
motivation and character, that system severely restricts what they are 
permitted to do, and, if they want to be able to eat, they will not 
buck the system. Economic realities combine with education, peer 
pressure and legal/licensing authorities to complete their 

By *our* definitions, "good doctors" are remarkable for their scarcity. 
There are the few who listen and cooperate as best they can. A rare 
handful even abandon conformity alltogether. Treasure these!

I know a few of us can honestly say we have known a *good* doctor or 
two. Most of you can honestly say that you have not.

We even have, and have had in the past, a few physicians in our group. 
You'll seldom hear from them because it seems that a few people always 
fail to distinguish friend from foe, and they'd rather avoid the 
unwarranted and vicious attacks earned for them by their choice of 
profession and the actions of their peers.  

Sometimes, despite their good intentions, those few doctors who've 
joined us couldn't help coming across as know-it-alls or failed to 
recognize the intelligence and wisdom of the local experts and the 
limitations of their own training, and alienated themselves. 

So, on occasion, both sides have contributed to the failure to get 

What I want to say is this: 

Our mission is, first, informing interested individuals of the value of 
colloidal silver and related ideas, and second, helping people with 
whatever health challenges they face.

In the interest of fulfilling that mission, please restrain yourself 
enough not to indulge in vicious, hostile, totally unqualified, blanket 
condemnation of *all* doctors.

Hate the mainstream all you want, but don't drive away those who want 
to learn.

Allow for the existence of the exceptional few... *every* time you make 
a statement about "doctors." It doesn't take many words -- "most," 
"nearly all" -- to tranform the environment from hostile to merely 

I think basic fairness demands as much of us. Our mission certainly 

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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