I am going to bring this back on topic, I hope!

CS/EIS is free, or nearly so, helps many diseases/conditions and is as
toxic as water.

Big Insurance is co-mingled with Big Pharma, and has a vested interest
in drug profits.

If you use EIS/CS, you probably won't be going to the MD, who won't get
the chance to prescribe an expensive drug to treat your Symptoms (most
drugs don't cure anything, just treat the symptoms!). MDs are
brainwashed from the first year of med school that drugs and surgery are
the only things that will help, oh, yes, and grudgingly, therapy AFTER
the surgery.

No nutrition is taught, deficiency diseases are covered in a half-hour
the first year of school, and MDs are taught that noone knows anything
if they haven't been to med school.

So, CS/EIS will become severely restricted, as have some supplements, so
that Big Pharma can continue getting big profits to fund Big Insurance.
You must make your own EIS/CS if you want some, and cannot sell or
(eventually, just wait for the legislation) even give it away, or you
will be a felon.

Something similar happened to tobacco and hemp/marijuana (yes, I know
they are different). If the Big Industry cannot find a way to patent
something, they get their Senators and Congressmen to make it illegal.

Sorry for the rant, it's one of my hot buttons....

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