The incidences of autism is linked to ***mercury*** "IN" vaccines, not any "vaccine". Make the distinction and the statement may have a chance of believability.

While I agree that autism is most likely caused by the mercury contamination in vaccines, as opposed to the vaccine itself, there is too much evidence - and too much rational, objective science - showing that the entire *concept* of vaccine INJECTIONS is pure, unadulterated CRAP to ignore.

The idea of ORAL vaccines, on the other hand, is legitimate, because it doesn't bypass all of the bodies natural mechanisms for dealing with external substances. This, I believe, is the mechanism used by homeopathy - and as long as the substances used are not tainted with crap like mercury, I believe that there is at least room for investigation as to their efficacy, and if found, argument for their VOLUNTARY use.

Just saying that "vaccines don't work" is going up against several centuries of experience that says otherwise and a whole field of micro-biology with documented details.

It is all LIES, Ode. You are so far out in left field on this one that you may not be able to find your way back. You have my sympathy.

Every pandemic outbreak of anything shows rises and declines, but they also show repeats over a period of time.
Where is the polio repeat since the vaccine?

As has been demonstrated, and is freely available for anyone with eyes to see - the incidence of polio was almost at the BOTTOM of the downswing when the vaccine was introduced. And since it was most likely caused by the prior smallpox vaccines, once they 'fixed' those (they had to, otherwise the cat would most likely escape from the bag), the polio went away.

What happened to the smallpox outbreaks that have been repeating for millennia, wiping out whole civilizations?

What makes you think another one won't happen? How long has it been since the last one, and how often did they historically occur?

That "some people" have problems handing a live but weakened virus strain, that some vaccines were made badly, doesn't eliminate the whole field of vaccination as effective.

You're right. There are far more potent facts that eliminate the whole field of vaccines as 'effective'.

No matter what is done, some percentage is going to have a problem.
That's a "given".

Take your FORCED 'given' and shove it up your ASS, Ode. I'm SICK of people who think they have some god given right to force their views on me. Your Rights stop where mine start.

The question is, how many have a problem if nothing is done?

No - but obviously you are perfectly willing to kill a minority IN THE SHORT TERM, and possibly a MAJORITY IN THE LONG TERM, just to satisfy your vague, undefined fear of something too tiny to see without a microscope.

AUTISM OCCURRENCE: One in every 150 children born in the US have autism. It is estimated approximately 1 million in the US have this disorder.

1 million out of 300 million?  Sounds bad and *mercury* in vaccines
might be part of it [and has been eliminated from all 'new' stocks
and Autism is a developmental problem that doesn't affect adults, so
old stocks aren't being used on 12 and under as of 2005], but what
else is and has been going on?

You are WRONG, Ode - they are STILL using mercury in some CURRENT and NEW vaccines - specifically your precious influenza vaccine, and also diphtheria and tetanus. Also, the WHO sees nothing wrong with it.

Mercury is a dangerous toxin that has become widespread throughout our environment.

Yep - and you would rather rely on word of the same people who forced this dangerous substance on an unsuspecting populace, and STILL, TO THIS DAY, refuse to acknowledge the danger in dental amalgams, and only GRUDGINGLY acknowledge a POTENTIAL danger when used as a preservative in vaccines (although they did choose to engage in deceit by calling it something else - 'thimerosol'), and it took an ACT OF CONGRESS to force them to CLAIM to remove it from their vaccines, which they STILL HAVE YET TO DO.

It's easy to panic and point fingers, but doing so doesn't really say much about the problem.

It's also easy to rely on the word of someone else as justification for committing assault and battery on other people just because you're afraid of a big bad germ.

..and the proposed solution may well do nothing about the problem while making what "appears" to be a source, a really BIG problem if it's eliminated.

More FUD...

Ode... grow up... be a man... lose your fear... stop resorting to the use of tyranny to solve an imaginary problem.

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