Great post Ode.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ode Coyote" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2007 9:14 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Forced flu vaccines?

  Damn Simon!  That's good for a belly laugh.
Talk about fear!
Do you foam at the mouth all the time?

Recurrence and epidemic timelines:

The first recorded smallpox epidemic was in 1350 BC during the
Egyptian-Hittite war.
1518-1520 Aztec Empire (Mexico) Smallpox
1527-1530 Inca Empire (Peru) Smallpox
1616 New England Smallpox
1634-1635 England Smallpox
Edward Jenner (1749-1823), after training in London and a period as an army
surgeon, spent his whole career as a country doctor in his native county of
Gloucestershire in the West of England. His research was based on careful
case-studies and clinical observation more than a hundred years before
scientists could explain the viruses themselves. So successful did his
innovation prove that by 1840 the British government had banned alternative
preventive treatments against smallpox. "Vaccination," the word Jenner
invented for his treatment (from the Latin vacca, a cow), was adopted by
Pasteur for immunization against any disease.
1649 New England, Boston Smallpox
1666 New England Smallpox
1678 New England Smallpox
1738 SC Smallpox
1860-61 PA Smallpox
1862-63 Southern California Smallpox
1865-73 Philadelphia, NY, Boston, New Orleans, Baltimore, Memphis &
Washington DC A series of recurring epidemics of Smallpox, Cholera, Typhus,
Typhoid, Scarlet Fever and Yellow Fever

The last outbreak of smallpox in the United States occurred in Texas in
1949 with 8 cases and 1 death. Even though most of North America, Western
Europe, Australia, and New Zealand were free of smallpox by this time,
other countries such as Africa and India continued to suffer from epidemics.

In 1967 the World Health Organization (WHO) started a worldwide campaign to
eradicate smallpox. This goal was accomplished in 10 years due in a large
part to massive vaccination efforts. The last endemic case of smallpox
occurred in Somalia in 1977. On May 8, 1980, the World Health Assembly
declared the world free of smallpox.

#### You can see that smallpox "epidemics" [not just mere outbreaks] have
been recurring regularly for centuries and stopped dead roughly 33 years
after the smallpox vaccine came into common use in those areas.
 "Breakouts" continued till around 1980 world wide.
The vaccine does have some problems for some people, *can* +cause+ a *less*
deadly disease that can be transmitted to other people.  It's not "safe",
but it's a lot better than an epidemic of a much worse problem every few years.
Nothing is perfect.
It is interesting that the USA Polio epidemic started around the same time
as the Spanish Flu epidemic and problematic vaccine...but...causation
doesn't exactly add up linking Spanish Flu vaccines to Polio.  Smallpox
vaccines to Polio?
 "Vaguely Possible"    That would be quite a stretch of the imagination.
Polio vaccines to anything else?...not a chance.
The idea that the Spanish Flu vaccine caused Spanish Flu, is putting the
cart before the horse.  It "might" have made it worse, but proving that in
the face of widespread vaccination can't be done.  Can't prove a WAS done and we'll never know one way or the other what would
have happened if it wasn't.
That's life.  Lump it or give up.
 Venom is no substitute for considering the risks and vaguearities of
living.  "Foam mouth" doesn't change that.
There are no clear choices or absolutes, only odds and relative consequences.
It ain't that simple, Simon...too freeking bad, Dude.

1789 - British physician Michael Underwood provides the first clinical
description of polio. [ That does not establish an origin time or source,
just recognition and a definition. ]
1894 - The first major polio epidemic reported in the United States occurs
in Vermont.
1916 USA Polio (infantile paralysis) Over 7,000 deaths and more than 27,000
cases reported in America's worst polio epidemic so far.
1918 World wide Spanish Influenza
(1918 was the high point year)

1952 - There are 58, 000 cases of polio in the United States, the most
ever. Early versions of the Salk vaccine were tested around this time.
1979 - The last indigenous transmission of wild polio virus occurs in the
U.S. All future cases are either imported or vaccine-related.
[again..nothing is perfect, but setbacks and glitches don't equal failure ]
1994 - China launches its first National Immunization Days, immunizing 80
million children! The entire Western Hemisphere is certified as "polio free."
1995 - India follows China's lead and organizes its first National
Immunization Days. More than 87 million children are immunized!
1999 - More than 450 million children are vaccinated, including nearly 147
million in India. In the 11 years since the World Health Assembly
Initiative, the number of reported Polio cases *worldwide* has fallen to
approximately 7 000.

##  Vaccines do have side effects and problems, sometimes bad ones, but
they obviously work far better than nothing...or anything else that's been

in July 1999, the Public Health Service (PHS) agencies, the American
Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and vaccine manufacturers agreed that
thimerosal should be reduced or eliminated in vaccines as a precautionary
measure.Today, with the exception of some Influenza (flu) vaccines, none of
the vaccines used in the U.S. to protect preschool children against 12
infectious diseases contain thimerosal as a preservative.
 [Note "in the U.S" and probably old stock being used as new stocks are
made...and no flu vaccine is mandatory.]

The Madison Declaration on Mercury Pollution summarizes the latest
scientific knowledge about:
   * Health risks and toxic effects of methylmercury, the form most people
are exposed to from eating marine fish.
   * Effects on wildlife.
   * Socioeconomic consequences of mercury pollution.
   * Recovery of fisheries contaminated with mercury.

Methylmercury now poses a public health problem in most regions of the
world, and high levels of mercury have been found in people worldwide at
all levels of society, the paper concluded.

When a fetus is exposed to the pollutant, it can later affect that child's
development enough to justify the warning to be careful about what species
of fish are eaten during pregnancy, the researchers said in Thursday's
issue of the journal Ambio, published by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

"Exposure during pregnacy will affect children's development later on in
life," said Donna Mergler, an environmental health professor at the
Université du Québec à Montréal, who contributed to the report.

## That's not even counting air pollution...140? air emission tons per year
just in the USA
 In the face of currently high environmental levels of methylmercury
exposure day after day, from first dividing fetus cells to the grave, a
single relatively  low dose shot of same, while not a wonderful plan to add
avoidable insult to unavoidable's a relatively minor insult
and cannot be the only or even major cause of Autism... if Autism is cased
by methylmercury exposure.
Inhalation is the next most direct route of entry only exceeded by
injection and breathing cannot be avoided.

Meaning: If Autism is cased by methylmercury exposure, cutting
methylmercury out of vaccines won't stop it.  It "Might" help.. a little
and that alone is enough reason to stop using it, but no reason to have the
ole panties in a wad about how much and when if the alternative saves far
more lives than makes idiots out of a few of them till it can be accomplished.
[ That equation is debatable, now....but only because widespread
vaccination has clearly stopped the recurring epidemics making further
vaccination not necessary for a while. ]

If there's nothing else possible to do, then bailing a bucket of water out
of the ocean is, at least, something...but don't expect a desert in the
Marianna Trench to be the result.  You WILL be disappointed and, as usual,
mad as hell, if not as mad as a hatter with a busted gasket pointing at the
least effective, though worthwhile attempt, as a total solution.

If you really want to do something about methylmercury, put those coal
fired power plants out of business by turning off your power and don't use
anything transported by fossil fueled diesel truck.  Go nuclear.  Right?
[wink]  Rape the forests to plant enough of that horrific soybean
oil.  Kill some birds with a million windmills....Hire methylmercury laden
tuna fish to turn turbines...whatever.

That oral vaccines may be better and safer than injected may be true, but
injection beats nothing if an oral vaccine has not yet been developed.
In order for some things to work at all, the bodies defenses have to be
 Were this not true, all drug administration would be oral as that pathway
is preferred when possible for many reasons.
Injection of *anything* has never been "safe".
Configuring an oral means to bypass those defenses is tricky at best and a
biologist might work for years to find a way just to get "some" through.

Those *defenses* can kill you faster than what they are fighting, in some

Irony:  The more people that get saved, the more there are to kill
themselves with the byproducts of living.
 Can't win, till we get a handle on numbers to start with.
THAT we *can* do, but don't.
So, not doing it does it....a lot less pleasantly.


At 08:19 AM 10/16/2007 -0400, you wrote:

The incidences of autism is linked to ***mercury*** "IN" vaccines, not any "vaccine".
Make the distinction and the statement may have a chance of believability.

While I agree that autism is most likely caused by the mercury contamination in vaccines, as opposed to the vaccine itself, there is too much evidence - and too much rational, objective science - showing that the entire *concept* of vaccine INJECTIONS is pure, unadulterated CRAP to ignore.

The idea of ORAL vaccines, on the other hand, is legitimate, because it doesn't bypass all of the bodies natural mechanisms for dealing with external substances. This, I believe, is the mechanism used by homeopathy - and as long as the substances used are not tainted with crap like mercury, I believe that there is at least room for investigation as to their efficacy, and if found, argument for their VOLUNTARY use.

Just saying that "vaccines don't work" is going up against several centuries of experience that says otherwise and a whole field of micro-biology with documented details.

It is all LIES, Ode. You are so far out in left field on this one that you may not be able to find your way back. You have my sympathy.

Every pandemic outbreak of anything shows rises and declines, but they also show repeats over a period of time.
Where is the polio repeat since the vaccine?

As has been demonstrated, and is freely available for anyone with eyes to see - the incidence of polio was almost at the BOTTOM of the downswing when the vaccine was introduced. And since it was most likely caused by the prior smallpox vaccines, once they 'fixed' those (they had to, otherwise the cat would most likely escape from the bag), the polio went away.

What happened to the smallpox outbreaks that have been repeating for millennia, wiping out whole civilizations?

What makes you think another one won't happen? How long has it been since the last one, and how often did they historically occur?

That "some people" have problems handing a live but weakened virus strain, that some vaccines were made badly, doesn't eliminate the whole field of vaccination as effective.

You're right. There are far more potent facts that eliminate the whole field of vaccines as 'effective'.

No matter what is done, some percentage is going to have a problem.
That's a "given".

Take your FORCED 'given' and shove it up your ASS, Ode. I'm SICK of people who think they have some god given right to force their views on me. Your Rights stop where mine start.

The question is, how many have a problem if nothing is done?

No - but obviously you are perfectly willing to kill a minority IN THE SHORT TERM, and possibly a MAJORITY IN THE LONG TERM, just to satisfy your vague, undefined fear of something too tiny to see without a microscope.

AUTISM OCCURRENCE: One in every 150 children born in the US have autism. It is estimated approximately 1 million in the US have this disorder.

1 million out of 300 million?  Sounds bad and *mercury* in vaccines
might be part of it [and has been eliminated from all 'new' stocks
and Autism is a developmental problem that doesn't affect adults, so
old stocks aren't being used on 12 and under as of 2005], but what
else is and has been going on?

You are WRONG, Ode - they are STILL using mercury in some CURRENT and NEW vaccines - specifically your precious influenza vaccine, and also diphtheria and tetanus. Also, the WHO sees nothing wrong with it.

Mercury is a dangerous toxin that has become widespread throughout our environment.

Yep - and you would rather rely on word of the same people who forced this dangerous substance on an unsuspecting populace, and STILL, TO THIS DAY, refuse to acknowledge the danger in dental amalgams, and only GRUDGINGLY acknowledge a POTENTIAL danger when used as a preservative in vaccines (although they did choose to engage in deceit by calling it something else - 'thimerosol'), and it took an ACT OF CONGRESS to force them to CLAIM to remove it from their vaccines, which they STILL HAVE YET TO DO.

It's easy to panic and point fingers, but doing so doesn't really say much about the problem.

It's also easy to rely on the word of someone else as justification for committing assault and battery on other people just because you're afraid of a big bad germ.

..and the proposed solution may well do nothing about the problem while making what "appears" to be a source, a really BIG problem if it's eliminated.

More FUD...

Ode... grow up... be a man... lose your fear... stop resorting to the use of tyranny to solve an imaginary problem.

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