Actually president shrub, just vetoed a bill that would have removed mercury 
from vaccines, What a guy.

Simon Jester <> wrote:
  >> BUT it sure doesn't give whoever is producing 
>> these vaccines the right to put mercury and/or anyother extremely 
>> harmful additive to these vaccines that are causing havoc in the 
>> unsuspecticing, trusting publics, bodies.....debbie

> No disagreement there...and they have stopped doing that now that 
> the issue has been studied some and found,

Wrong, as I stated earlier. They ARE still putting this into many (but 
not all) vaccines. They took it out of most children's vaccines, but not 
the influenza - and there are others.

> And that amount of mercury has no effects on adults over and above 
> the "now normal" much higher levels of environmental mercury.

BULLSHIT, Ode. What you and your medical gods are ignoring is the 
in NO way be compared to mercury that is ingested incidentally with 
certain foods, and/or breathed in minute amounts in the air.

Same goes for vaccines. Direct injection can in no way be compared to 
the fundamental concept (which is actually homeopathy, which I'm fairly 
certain I've seen you diss - funny, really, considering).

> And even if that amount of mercury isn't "the" problem, adding that 
> to other "unavoidable" sources can be avoided...and IS being avoided 
> as of a couple of years ago...just on "general principle", just in 
> case and no good reason not to since the development of better 
> preservatives.

Again, WRONG... but your refusal to acknowledge the highly toxic nature 
of mercury just shows your ignorance on this issue. Too bad smart people 
are often too smart for their own good, as you are herein proving beyond 
a shadow of a doubt.

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