Ok - but you said the FLU earlier... lets stop changing gears from 1st to 50th, and stay on point.

## If it's not "live threatening" the whole point is a moot one, flu or anything else.
There will be no quarantine to defy.
But even if not, passing even a mild cold around is still irresponsible and uncaring.

If by chance the vaccination doesn't work, at least you've taken the steps than can be taken to prevent transmission, vs, no steps at all...or anti-steps.

I have no fear of any pandemic... I know that - as long as some government thug doesn't come along and drag me out of my home 'for my own good' and away from my ozone generator and herbs and CS generator, etc - and now MMS - I can beat pretty much anything that comes along.

##  Very nice, but not previously stated, in context, as a condition.
"You didn't listen to what I didn't say! "
I'm sure everyone will agree and not react when they don't know that you are right and everyone else wrong.

That some vaccinations might not work "as advertised" doesn't mean none do, at least, "something".

But my something is far better than you're something - and has no NEGATIVE side effects to boot.

## And is also unknown and unproven. If you can prove it to those who don't know that you are not a carrier, then fine and good. But the game is a majority game, not an individual game and scared people don't tend to listen to "oddballs" [the source of anything new ]. So, good luck staying free of holes, deserved or not.

I'll betcha that when you see some people around you dropping like flies and some not, you'll be wondering why, then.

Nope - the ones that aren't dropping are most likely either like me, or have some natural immunity... definitely not some vaccine-immune-depressed zombie...

## Only the reality will tell that story, then you have to convince a lot of other people with short fuses who will equally believe you are a threat as you believe you are not. Personally, I've been vaccinated several times and never noticed being a zombie, nor do I know of any. [ If I was one, would I notice? ] I've also had a "quarter ton" of silver amalgam fillings since childhood and never noticed any ill effect.
 Such venomous blanket statements don't cover the subject of human variation.

I do know a few folks with Autism and some that place the blame entirely on a vaccination..but they well could only be partially right and fixation on a single cause in spite of many and greater ones, is error that won't solve the problem. "All" cases of Autism probably aren't caused by Mercury anyhow, but if some or even most are, that's reason enough to not add insult to injury in a judicious manner that doesn't increase risk to those not at risk...or to not use what's available if not doing so, is a greater risk.

Whether vaccines work or not, most people believe they do and evidence bears out the belief pretty well, if not absolutely. It takes a long time and great expense to stock pile them and just tossing out the old before replacing them with new, isn't an option. There will be a period of risk assessment that might last a decade or two and pressure to comply. [with more difficult "outs" included, IF, there is no current epidemic. ]

If you attack the beliefs of a majority to introduce something new, you'll have to deal with the defenses you triggered, right or wrong. You could just bypass that whole affair on pure merit, but that takes some "work", patience and an even temper...and something you can prove works better. Screaming at people about how absolutely wrong they are makes them NOT look and makes you look like a nutcase. There is such a thing as "In addition to" and "complementary methods". You don't have to kill a neighbors mule to ride a horse and if you do, it had best be a fast one.
 Venom, says snake, not saviour.
....just how the world works.

EIS [CS] would be one, but telling people that all doctors are lairs and quacks isn't going to make it any friends...and it's not true.
If it DOES work better, all else automatically falls aside as un-needed.
That some "establishment" people are doing the same thing, but need to do it in a way that makes a profit, doesn't eliminate the self helper who won't pay that price. But it does help believers who do feel a need to pay for the scientific expertise in leu of their own studies.

Virtually everyone uses propaganda to sell ideas and products. Fact of life. Get over it.
 Doing the same thing only not nearly as well, won't go anywhere better.
Don't victimize yourself with ignorance. Nobody "makes" anyone listen...or not listen.
 By  that token, I've never bought EIS from anyone, propaganda or not.
I've bothered to find out that there isn't a significant difference between $1 a gallon and $7 an ounce of virtually the same thing.

I never said you "were" nuts, just that you act like it....particularly when you insist that Ozone is absolutely safe with no qualifications [when there are several very important ones ] and there is only one way to make it [when there are several]...and insisting you are right and centuries of experience and intensive study is full of crap, as though, a few misfires makes a complete failure.

 What if YOU misfire?
 Are you willing to step under your own stamping foot?
....or just point a finger anywhere else, as usual, and call self righteous anger a reason to listen to a raving madman? With that, being right matters not. You've defeated yourself regardless of any merit.

If you want people to listen, they'll do it in the context of the reality they know. You can't MAKE them do it in yours.

 I tell you this to help you in your quest.
Your people skills suck out loud...REAL loud...obnoxiously loud.
If that's not help, nothing is.

PS I thought you blocked me. You said you were going to. Guess not. "Liar" [wink]


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