Hi, Mike!

I was remembering when I first started out, reading online directions. I had the 3 batteries and some wire. The solution was ok, but there were quite alot of particles for my throat ( admittedly, my throat can be very twitchy). It did not sit as well as the sovereign silver I bought. So I went back online and read about a potentiometer, got one at the local surplus store, hooked it up, and I was much happier.

I did read where some people did drink a more coarse solution, grey floaters and all, and they did not turn grey. However, it did not seem right to me. Then I found you guys, and got much happier with all the good advice! Getting a com 100 meter was a good idea. I like being able to test things, and the distilled water around here can be really variable. After I got that, I bought all the different kinds of distilled water I could get my hands on, and only found one brand that had less than 2uS all the time. I guess it is because most of the water is from wells, and it is very hard to start with. Some of it tested up around 25ppm! Not nearly good enough for our purposes.

So, yes, I am happy with what I am making now, thank you for checking. It is clear, usually very little tyndall, and between 8-13 uS.


On Oct 24, 2007, at 12:02 PM, M. G. Devour wrote:

Dear Kathryn,

Another thought that came to me at the time, that people make it grey
and sludgy and drink it that way on purpose, but I had a hard time with
the particles, one of the reasons I try so hard to make a nice clear

Right! We DO NOT want to make sludge and drink it! EIS or CS or
whatever you want to call it, the stuff we advocate is clear, usually
colorless, 5 to 15 ppm, and with pure silver in distilled water.


I hope you've been successful with upgrading your technique! <grin>

Be well,

Mike D.

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