They want people to keep their faith in the pharmaceutical industry. I really 
am skeptical as to whether they took the mercury out at all. If they did, they 
definitely will put it back in. The biggest things they want from the public is 
their money and their trust. We are such a gullible society that we will give 
them both without even questioning them. Go figure. So I think you answered 
your own question.

Dianne France <> wrote:       In Prevention magazine, 
October 2007, they had this  article " Fear: Mercury Fact:  A few years back 
researchers  raised the concern that people (especially babies) might 
accumulate a toxic dose  of mercury, from thimerosal, a vaccine preservative 
that consists largely of the  metal.  To be on the safe side, thimerosal was 
removed from many pediatric  vaccines.  But since then, studies have shown that 
the form of mercury  found in the preservative, athyl mercury, does not build 
up in the  body."
 I guess they are trying to convince us that mercury is okay.  Safe  would be 
none.  Does this mean they removed it but plan on putting it  back?

  In His Service,
  Scott Young <><
"The ultimate healing is death." - Elisabeth Kugler-Ross

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