Dear Liz, 

Welcome aboard!

You write:

> And along comes someone like me who is
> looking for information and it just gripes my rear to have to try to
> wade through all the malarkey for the real story. Sigh. Maybe I'm the
> one who is crazy?

No, not at all! You're just exploring the wonderful, chaotic world of 
alternative health and medicine. Lacking an over-controlling central 
authority, such as the FDA/AMA, etc., it is left to *US* to do our own 
research and choose among many options.

Somewhere between the rampant hucksterism and outright fraud at one 
extreme, and the fanatical debunkers at the other, you will find people 
who can tell you what works. Hopefully here, in fact!

The good news is that along with the chaos comes ultimate freedom and 
access to far more options than exist within the mainstream.

There are several classes of silver preparation that are generically 
referred to as "colloidal silver," whether the term is really 
descriptive or not:

1) "Mild silver protein (MSP)"

2) Chemically precipitated silver

3) Solutions of silver compounds

4) High voltage electrolytic or sputtering processes

5) Low voltage electrolytic process

The first, MSP, is based on a standard preparation that was in common 
use before there were pharmaceutical antibiotics. Some of these are 
well made, but expensive, and with their higher concentration have been 
associated with argyria when over used.

The chemical precipitates and compounds suffer from uncertainty as to 
what is in them -- from too much to too little to just food coloring -- 
and have also been associated with cases of argyria. These are most 
often seen in health-food stores.

Some of the high volume high voltage production processes seem to 
produce a product of reasonable (low) concentration that is fairly 
stable and affordable and may be worth buying under some circumstances. 
What most of us have settled on is the last one. The product is clear, 
usually colorless, maybe 5 to 10 ppm, and simply and inexpensively 
produced at home.

Basic equipment to make this product can be home-built, and very well 
controlled and reliable generators are available for less than $200 
(US). You will quickly recoup your investment in equipment when making 
perfectly fine "CS" for the cost of distilled water and some 
electricity. You'll be free to use it as generously as you need, and 
you'll also have the security of knowing exactly what goes into it.   

You'll see the term EIS used here, which stands for Electrically 
Isolated Silver. It was coined by some of our members to distinguish 
what we make from the spectrum of other products being sold. It 
highlights the fact that it is produced by an electrolytic process, and 
consists of a low concentration of isolated particles and ions of 
silver in pure distilled water without additives or impurities.

I'm sure other folks will fill in the blanks of this overview. No doubt 
I'm leaving out, mis-stating, or oversimplifying some things, but I 
hope it'll confirm some of what you've already begun to find out and 
save you some confusion and time wasted.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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