Thank you Kathryn,

I will definitely work my way through your list. Whew! I'm not dumb by a long shot but jeesh, I know all the conflicting stuff can't be true. I'm just not enough of a science buff to ferrit it out. Or maybe that should be chemistry buff? I've never taken a chemistry class in my life. Not even in high school. I'm well grounded in science and Anatomy and Physiology, I've even taken college courses in microbiology but this is just ridiculous.
And it's frustrating.

I don't have a problem with people making a little money but come on! They don't have to tell fifteen different versions, because all of them can't be true. They may be partially true but not the whole story, or a twisted version of it anyway. And along comes someone like me who is looking for information and it just gripes my rear to have to try to wade through all the malarkey for the real story. Sigh. Maybe I'm the one who is crazy?

Thank you again:)


----- Original Message ----- From: "Clayton Family" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 7:56 PM
Subject: Re: CS>With all the types of silver.....

Hi, Liz,

There was a discussion about this a while back, and a couple of people
decided to put together some basic info for just this occasion. I think
this is the right link:

There is plenty to keep you busy reading just the basics.  There is
also lots of good info at:

including a link to a page of lab reports telling you which products
they tested came out to be ionic, colloidal or compounds of some sort.
Not much of it is cheap, which is why most of us make our own, since it
is easily done and needs no specialized knowledge. It does require that
one can follow directions exactly, though.  Nearly everyone here that I
know of uses ionic silver, at 10 ppm. Some like to make it extra
strong- and I used to make mine at 5ppm- just a personal preference.

Take care,


On Nov 7, 2007, at 6:35 PM, wordsjunkie wrote:


I'm new to the list.

Someone recommended colloidal silver to me for colds and flu, so I fired up the computer and started looking for information. I've been surfing the net and reading, and I'm probably more confused than I was to begin with. There is ionic silver, and colloidal silver and clear silver . There's 10ppm that claims it works as well as 500ppm. There are people who claim patented ways of processing so it's used by the body better.

My head is just spinning!

How the heck do I know what to buy or not to buy? There is so much conflicting information I'm totally lost. Can someone please tell me what kind of silver I can safely take and where to get it at a reasonable price. The prices are outrageous. If it were a whole price of silver like a ring or something I could see them charging the prices they do, but for little particles of silver that you can't see with your naked eye in some filtered water. Give me a break!

So I stumbled over this list and hopefully someone can tell me what's what. Please?

Thank you


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