I have a female cat this summer who started to pass blood clots, she also had 
blood in her urine, vomiting stopped eating, lathargic. Layed her chin on the 
water dish all day and night and didn't move. I started her on pure cs in the 
water dish and daily she improved. Over the next two weeks all the signs of any 
blood were gone. She gets cs daily now and looks and acts great.

Terry Chamberlin <tcj...@yahoo.ca> wrote:
  Recently a friend called to enthusiastically report
this: He has a couple of those large fish tanks full
of expensive, exotic fish. One of the fish was sick,
sluggish and covered with a grey film, eyes starting
to glaze over. His wife took the fish out of the tank
and put it in a bowl of CS. The next day, the eyes
were clear and the grey film was gone.


Anyone else had a similar experience? How about with
other kinds of pets? (Cats, dogs, birds)

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