But the thing is, when I was a child and  then when I had my children,
everyone had these childhood illnesses; they were expected and we
*encouraged* the kids to mix with kids that had mumps etc., so that they
*would* catch it early.  This then prepared their bodies to fight more
serious ailments later on in life, or so it seemed.  No-one died of these
illnesses, and they were often quite mild i.e. Two of mine caught measles
and were only poorly for a day.  I don't agree with this modern thinking of
vaccinating for everything as I feel that it causes far more illnesses than
it prevents, if done indiscriminately.  Dee 

-------Original Message------- 


From: Clive Mitchell 

Date: 11/19/07 23:19:18 

To: silver-list@eskimo.com 

Subject: Re: CS>o Law Says Parents Have To Get Their Children Vaccinated 



It was only later when the incidence of these childhood ailments started 

To increase significantly (due to the number of non vaccinated children) 

That the "scientist" suddenly backed off and it transpired that he had 

Been paid to do the "research" by the legal industry since it was 

Looking to make a tidy profit encouraging people to sue the government 

For giving their kids autism. 



Clive Mitchell 





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